Roxboro, NC Auto Service Shops

Find a local auto service shop in Roxboro below. Select from the list of shops below. We provide:

- Repair estimate costs
- Shop specialties and type of repairs at the shop
- Crowd Sourced information/reviews on the shops from actual clients

Bethel Hill Charter Sch...

1071 Leasburg Rd
Roxboro, NC - 27573
(336) 599-4771

Crucial Automotive

5867 Virgilina Rd
Roxboro, NC - 27574
(336) 597-9900

Humphries & Walker Auto Repair

2033 Cedar Grove Church Rd
Roxboro, NC - 27574
(336) 599-5052

Legal Aid Of North Carolina

14 Main Cir
Roxboro, NC - 27574
(919) 856-2193

Management Recruiters o...

1127 N Main St
Roxboro, NC - 27573
(919) 733-2302

J Clayton Automotive

543 Mountain Rd
Roxboro, NC - 27574
(336) 599-0330

Litchfield Texaco

628 S Morgan St
Roxboro, NC - 27573

O'Reilly Auto Parts

322 S Madison Blvd
Roxboro, NC - 27573
(336) 322-3719

Neal's Farm & Auto

8719 Virgilina Rd
Roxboro, NC - 27574
(336) 599-4407

Tims Garage

13049 Virgilina Rd
Roxboro, NC - 27574
(336) 597-2467

Tires Unlimited

416 N Madison Blvd
Roxboro, NC - 27573
(336) 599-8341

Auto Services

Oil Changes, Tire Relpacement/Rotation, Battery Replacement, Brakes, Wheel Alignment, Body Work, Scheduled Maintenance

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